Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My foot is about 3 seconds from ALL UP IN YOUR ASS.

OHHHHHHHHH it's been a while. Let's kick it off right with a big FUCK YOU to the king of burgers.. Here's an idea! STOP WASTING MONEY ON your fucking cardboard hats and your ridiculous advertisements. I'll be honest I've never been a huge fast food junkie, But when your blasted or too drunk to continue with your night until you inhale some awful greasy food, you see BK and your eyes light up I don't care who the fuck you think you are.

Where to start.... How about the moment you drive up to the idiot box, and try to place an order. It all starts with "(insert awful attempt at english here) you?" So you got the point of what she/he was trying to say. You take a brief look at the menu feeling rushed as fuck, and in case you can't speak english or can't pronounce words there are fucking NUMBERS. A 5 year old could make an order saying only "NUMBER 7 LARGE WITH A COCA COLA" or you could simply say "I would like the 9 piece chicken fries Large with a coca cola"

Sounds pretty simple right? well friends let me tell you here's the part when it ALL goes wrong. No matter how you say what you want, no matter how many times they ask you what you want, your not fucking getting what you asked for. Maybe this isn't true for all locations but danbury CT is the epicenter of this asshattery. So lets assume you asked for a number 7, let's EVEN SAY that there is no one else ordering as to not confuse the situation even more.

So your done ordering, they attempt to repeat it. And just when you assume its time to progress you are able to make out a few of the things they said when you realize they FUCKED IT ALL UP. So you sit and negotiate until they give up and tell you to drive to the next window. You proceed already irritated and they gladly take your money quickly and shove drinks through your window, not giving you the time to say a fucking thing. HERES the kicker..... they ask you to drive up past the window and they will bring you your order outside.

The fuck????? I've never done this before. So before you bounce outta the window you tell them you would like some motherfucking sauce and it better be in the fucking bag. a while later while your waiting like some sort of dipshit a mile away from the window they bring your food to your car, toss the shit in the window and run away. Let's take a peek here, WHERES MY MOTHERFUCKING SAUCE. GOD DAMNIT SON oF A BITCH. Here we go. Put the car in reverse back up to the window that they were supposed to serve me at. "can i have my sauce that you FORGOT to put in the bag?" ... yeah you would like to ask that BUT they fucking ignore you like they didnt forget anything and have not a FUCKING CLUE as to why you would be sitting there for round #2.

Get your sauce that they were too fucking stupid to remember no matter how many times you ask for it. You then are finally satisfied and drive away to pack away the food in your stomach. until you look at the food thats not what you ordered. WHAT THE FUCK. well hey before we flip out maybe we should look at the receipt...oh thats right they dont give you one.

my point is , no matter how many times you go there pretending that it's not going to happen again, no matter if you go INSIDE or through the drive through, these fucking idiots have no idea what they are doing, they don't speak english or even understand it. im fucking sick of it and i want to firebomb that fucking place. If you try to argue with them they just say "no no" and shake their head and walk away. FUCK DANBURY BURGER KING

all i wanted was some fucking onion rings with some fucking zesty sauce , is that so much to ask for? FUCK.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

My First Post - Already an Angry One.

Welcome and thanks for stopping by. Just for your fair warning there is most definitely going to be a serious amount of profanity used on this page. So if anyone leaves me a post crying about how the language is inappropriate kindly die in a fire because I Honestly don't care.

I Suppose I should get down to business here, I would love to politic and tell you about myself but I'm too pissed off right now and i need to vent, If you still just HAVE to know something about me you could always try paying attention and clicking on the "ABOUT ME" section.

So listen to this asshattery. I got this new IMAC from the Apple Store in the danbury fair mall in CT. I love everything about it so far. As far as the dickbags that actually WORK in the apple store, well.... Let me say that the whole group of band camp momma's boy/ youth group going/ cross-dressing/ window licking "geniuses" , are useless and are a bunch of inconsiderate lying douchebags.

I bet your wondering why! Hey relax don't worry i'll tell you. I purchase this computer and with it comes a Free but NOT so free printer/copier/scanner. It becomes "free" after your $100 mail in rebate that they don't even explain to you. Allllrriiigghhttt , word.... free printer. I didn't NEED one specifically but hey why not? Im a happy camper and I return home.

Let the SHITSHOW begin. Open up the box to hook it up to my computer. Hmm interesting its not wireless, wheres the cord ? OH it doesn't come with one?! Surely there must be a mistake.... While searching for the cable i also read on the outer box "not compatible with Macintosh". The fuck ?!!!!!!! you fucking serious ?!!! how do you sell me a printer from an APPLE STORE with my APPLE COMPUTER when it's NOT EVEN COMPATIBLE!!!! holy shit .

I am forced to wait through the holiday until everyones back to work and off of holiday hours. Now mind you i have this printer just Chillin. Didn't really need one but now that i have it sitting in front of me I want to use it. Through investigation it turns out that it is compatible but whoever is responsible for box design fails at life.

I go to the apple store to inquire about this cable bullshit, and they have a cable but its $25.... FUCK THAT. Out of curiosity i find out how much the WIRELESS version of the same printer costs. Hmm that's funny its $25 bucks more. BUT wait!!!! IT COMES WITH A FUCKING USB CABLE!!!!! WHO THE FUCK IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS. They deserve to get their skull smashed open with nothing other than the piece of shit printer they designed, along with the fuckbags at the apple store who have dick shoved so far up their ass that its stabbing their brain. Thus Stopping them from THINKING.

Why would I think that you ask? hahah WELLLLL 3 trips later to the apple store in the mall and back (half hour drive each way) with our now oh so cheap gas prices. I'm trying to buy the wireless one that comes with the cable and return the "wired" one that doesn't even come with the cable. I've already agreed to buy the wireless one, sure should be no problem!

Cash in hand ready to pay............ OH we are out of stock! OMFG ..........EASY......DONT FLIP OUT..... I ask when they are going to get MORE. They tell me sorry but they get new shipments EVERY SINGLE MORNING so no doubt they will have a whole bunch the following morning. OK ...

Next morning comes, I CALL Them before i waste my gas, they tell me they have them. I'm thinking finally I can end this disaster. I arrive at the apple store, tell the dude i want my effin printer. He wastes my time investigating if this wireless printer comes with a cable. After i've been through all this already and i know what im talking about. He says "ok cool it does" so he sends me to the line that is a mile long. (the "Cash") line. I wait very patiently for quite some time when they tell me they dont have any in the store BUT they have some in the offsite storage which is inside the mall so it will just be a few minutes for someone to bring it up. ok ok ok ....

half hour later it turns out they DONT HAVE ANY!!!!!!! I Ask about their MORNING SHIPMENTS.. he says they dont get them every morning. U FUCKING SERIOUS!? and then tells me that im better off ordering it online because i'll get it quicker than i would trying to get it in the store. I walk out livid ,furious, about to explode and start smashing everything in the store. I refrain from doing so to avoid a jail visit. So now i have bought this cable for this WIRED printer that i STILL FUCKING HAVE. Hook it all up right?? it installs a billion unneccessary programs on my BRAND NEW COMPUTER and doesnt work for shit. I used every single printer maintenance program option it installed on my computer and its still fucked. Wont print black and white, prints blue instead. My garbage is FULL of test prints and cartridge alignment pages.

I GIVE UP. I dont want the printer, i want to fucking break it and all the assholes faces that have successfully cost me about 5 hours of my life,60 bucks in gas, a couple hundred pieces of hair from my head, and WILL probably be partial reason for me going bald later in life and me committing some ridiculous act of violence.

So FUCK YOU apple store for hiring the big circus of mentally challenged idiots. And fuck you mentally challenged idiots that work at the apple store because your worthless pieces of shit, you
FAIL AT LIFE. I can only hope that karma will rain down upon all of you.

That is that. If you were offended by this, you should fuck off too because i didn't ask you to read this and you were forewarned of the language used. As for grammar, spell check, punctuation. FUCK OFF.